Octopus at traditional fair
Today we are going to visit the north to teach you how to prepare an octopus à feira worthy of the best pulperías in Galicia. The main trick to getting the perfect portion is to cook the octopus correctly so that it is neither too hard nor too soft. How to do it Traditionally it is struck with a stone, but you can achieve the same texture by freezing the fresh octopus and thawing it the day before. You can also buy it directly frozen and save yourself this process.o.
Diners 2-3
Ideal for cooking with Terracotta Casserole
- 1 octopus
- half a kilo of Galician potatoes
- Sweet or spicy paprika from La Vera
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Sea or coarse salt
Preparation steps 1 houra)
– Step 1
We take the octopus out of the freezer the day before and leave it in the fridge. Use a large saucepan since it will release a lot of water in the process.
– Step 2
When it is ready we give it some water to clean it and we put it on the fire in a large saucepan full of water. When it boils, we proceed to remove and put the octopus several times from the casserole so that the meat is just right.
– Step 3
We let it boil until it is ready for about 30-40 minutes, puncturing it from time to time to see if it is hard. When we remove it from the saucepan, we add the peeled and split potatoes to the same water for about 15-20 minutes..
– Step 4
Once ready, cut the octopus, place the potatoes in the casserole and season to taste with the paprika, the coarse salt and the olive oil.